From One Mother's Heart to Another
Octiva, a mother of two young daughters, was navigating the grief of losing her own mother, who had been a vital source of support. As she adapted to these changes in her family, she also faced financial difficulties, which led her to seek help from Salty Family Services. They connected her with a mentor who quickly formed a supportive bond with her.
To improve her family’s situation, Octiva took on two jobs, leaving her with very little time to spend with her children. Household tasks, particularly laundry, became overwhelming. She and her daughters had to carry their laundry down two flights of stairs, take an Uber to the laundromat, and spend her only day off doing laundry. This cost them time, energy, and money.
After months of this draining routine, a blessing came into Octiva’s life. A fellow mother contacted SFS to donate a washing machine. With her mentor’s help, Octiva was connected with this generous mom, and a Call Me When volunteer stepped in to transport the machine. Driving nearly an hour, the volunteer delivered it, carried it up two flights of stairs, and even ensured it was properly installed.
Octiva was overjoyed and began her first load of laundry right away, deeply grateful for this mother’s kindness. Her mentor shared, “The community connection of one mother’s heart to another mother‘s heart, where one helped the other accomplish daily tasks for her family, was the most beautiful portion of all of this!” Two moms who don’t even know each other connected in the spirit of generosity and gratitude. So sweet to see the hands and feet of Jesus in action!