Salty Family Services, Why are we here?

Matthew 25:40

“And the King will reply to them, Truly I tell you, in so far as you did it for one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.”

Problem: Every day in Volusia and Flagler counties, children are entering the foster care system because their families have experienced unexpected hardships.  These families have little to no support system and a lack of practical skill set to help them recover.

Solution: Salty Family Services is a ministry serving families who have children at risk of abuse and neglect.  We connect at risk families to mentors that provide financial, emotional and if welcomed spiritual support in the families home, for up to 4 months.

Outcome: Since 2016, Salty Family Services has mentored over 1900 at risk families (over 3300 children) and out of those families that completed 2 months or more (years 2016-2020) of our mentor program, 92% of them have NOT had DCF involvement or needed additional financial support. Ultimately, resulting in a more stable family environment. 

Invitation: We believe God calls us all to care for children in need, and you can join this work by praying for our mission, volunteering with us or giving to further the mission of family preservation.

family single mom client

How do we work?

Intake Team:

The intake volunteer is the first point of contact for families seeking assistance from Salty Family Services. The intake volunteer clearly communicates the assistance process and ensures adequate documentation on applications for assistance. 

Call Back Team:

The Call Back team reviews and assesses each family application for eligibility to the mentor program.  They call the family to better understand their situation and ask assessment questions. This helps the team discern the family’s willingness to be empowered.  If eligible, the Call Back team sends them a Financial Assistance form.  Then they are connected with a mentor.

Mentor Team:

The Mentor Program is our way of relationally engaging at-risk families in hopes to ensure family preservation. Once a mentor is assigned to a family, that mentor schedules their first meeting in the family’s home. These first couple of meetings help build trust between the family and their mentor.  The meetings that follow are intentionally designed to work alongside the families to establish goals and equip them with practical tools like a budget. The mentor would also connect the family to additional church "Call Me When" volunteer resources.

Call Me When Volunteers:

Call Me When volunteers are members of various local churches that have committed to sharing their time and talents with families in need.  Our mentors then utilize these volunteers when working with specific family needs.

Download our Preservation Model

Click here to request a digital version of all policies and procedures for our family preservation model.


SFS Mentor Program Outcomes

YTD In 2024 63% of Families experience improvements in the below areas

Outcome: New or Improved Income 

Milestone: Working with the mentor to identify current skills and encouragement to attain steady employment.  Or if currently employed to seek opportunities for advancement in their current workplace.  

Outcome: Become Goal Oriented

Milestone: Establish Goals - The mentor works with each family to establish goals that are attainable for the family and will result in improved financial stability and a more stable environment for their family.

Outcome: Budget Management 

Milestone: Finalize a Written budget - Using a form provided by the mentor each family works together with the family to document expenses and income.

Outcome: Move from Isolation to Community

Milestone: Develop Community Relationships - With the mentors support develop one new supportive relationship within the community.  Examples include: Attending a church, starting a therapy relationship, volunteering with their children's school, attending 12 step recovery group meetings, etc.  


Annual Updates & Reporting

2023 Summary:

Salty Family Services Annual Reporting & Analysis: 2023


Governing Board & Advisory Team

SFS Board Member Roaster


Governing Board:

Robbie O’Brien - Board President

Christie O’Brien - Board Vice President

Jeremy Hopkins - Board Treasurer

Todd Hammond - Member at Large

Colby Harris - Board Secretary

Governing board meeting agenda & minutes: Meeting Q4 2024, Meeting Q1 2025


Salty Family Services Advisory Team:

Byron Cogdell - Lead Planter & Pastor at Identity Church - Member at Large

Michael Rusin - Service Operations Leader at Brown & Brown Florida - Member at Large

Michelle Velez - Business Bank Relationship Manager at JPMorgan Chase Bank - Member at Large

Advisory team quarterly meeting minutes: August 2024;


Leadership & Organization

Organizational Strategy

We are always recruiting and onboarding new volunteers to grow our team. Currently, 8 staff members and 61 Rescue Station volunteers and 210 Call Me When volunteers. Our vision by EOY 2025 is to have 9 volunteers to 1 paid staff. Currently we are 7 volunteers to 1 paid staff (not including CMW).

2024 Annual Successes

381 Families Mentored (788 children) +48% YOY in 1on1 Meetings, Staying with Families longer 74% Mentored Families had 4 Meetings & Written Budget 63% Completed Mentor Program with Hope for Stability