Serve with us!
Join Salty Family Services in the fight for family preservation. Our mission is to RESCUE, SERVE and EMPOWER at risk families to prevent child abuse and neglect.
Two Ways to Serve at Risk Families in Your Community:
Click Here to APPLY for a Rescue Station volunteer position
Apply here to volunteer with our staff at the Rescue Station for a variety of different positions: Intake team, Call Back team, volunteer Mentor, project volunteer, marketing team or as Admin support.
Click Here to SIGN UP as a “Call Me When” volunteer
Sign up here to serve as a “Call Me When” volunteer based on your preferred skill. Call Me When volunteers are persons that have committed to sharing a specific skill with families in need. Example: Ability to assist a family with moving; Ability to assist with childcare; Ability to volunteer Mechanic services; Ability to provide Handyman services; etc. Our mentors invite “Call Me When” volunteers to serve when they identify specific needs while working with a family.
Below is a volunteer of Salty Family Services sharing his testimony…
Salty Family Services Volunteer Story
He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”
Matthew 9:37-38