Serve and Empower
Family preservation model
Child abuse and neglect is a growing crisis in our community.
The breakdown of the family unit is in part a result of unhealthy patterns of behavior along with poverty, lack of access to and awareness of community resources, and the absence of family support systems. When these factors go unaddressed it can result in the legal removal of children from their parents, to foster care; but it doesn’t have to be this way.
The Church is uniquely equipped to fill the gaps in support and resources these families need to strengthen their capacity to care for their children.
Activating the Church’s Capacity for Family Strengthening
Jeff Chaisson, Director of Salty Family Services explains how you as a church leader can begin to strategically mobilize the Church body to care for vulnerable families and children in your community.
Does a preservation model fit in my church?
Here are some questions to consider as you explore how a preservation model can help your church become an agent of transformation and hope in the lives of vulnerable families and children:
We've met lots of church leaders who are doing amazing work with programs that help families in need. But their real passion isn't just about giving a one-time handout; they want to make a lasting difference in people's lives.
We've been there too, and our goal is to share what we've learned. The good news is that you can use your current support systems to create meaningful connections with families. Our mentoring program can be a guide for you to discover the unique ways in which you can engage deeper with the families you serve.
We're firm believers that the church is uniquely qualified to provide crucial support to families and children in need, helping them transform their situations and create a better future.
Within our church communities, there are many eager individuals ready to lend a hand, yet sometimes they're unsure of how to get involved or underestimate their abilities. Sometimes, all it takes is a straightforward invitation.
We're here to introduce you to a volunteer engagement approach, that you can customize to fit your ministry and harness the unique gifts of your people.
This is a question that stirs our hearts regularly. We hold a strong conviction that the church should stand as the beacon in the community, the first place people turn to for help – a sanctuary of safety and a wellspring of hope, where someone is always ready to answer their call.
We’re Better Together
We believe that we can do more together than we can do individually. When we collaborate on a shared vision for families and children, we bring the body of Christ to life in service of others!
Let’s Connect
We are passionate about seeing the Church mobilized to serve families and prevent children from entering foster care. This passion moves us to share everything we have learned over the years: our processes, procedures and strategies, that have enabled us to serve over 1,500 families to date.
If you’d like to know more about Salty Family Services Abuse Prevention Model and explore if all or parts of the model can help you develop or expand upon your current systems of care, we’d love to connect!