The Gift of Life: Newlyweds Experience Miraculous Healing
After a year of marriage, this couple had a life changing event take place. The father was in a serious motorcycle accident, which nearly cost him his life. He spent months in the hospital and in a coma. The mother, having to leave her job to be with her husband, eventually reached out to Salty Family Services for help.
We assigned a mentor to this family, and it was difficult to connect with them initially since the mother was spending as much time as she could in the hospital. In time, the father came out of the coma and faced a serious life-changing medical procedure. But praise God; he is now home with his family!
Our mentor meets with them weekly and is assisting them with prayer, encouragement, and direction in their next steps in life. Because of the lapse in income, they began to fall behind financially. Yet, due to the generosity of two donors, their rent was taken care of!
This father is recovering and thanks God for the gift of life. He is now inspired to find ways to share his story: the story of God working a miracle in his life. We are thankful for this family and for the generosity of so many donors that help our ministry reach struggling families.