Volunteer Helps Single Mom Move Into a New Home
We often say, "Generosity changes everything." Generosity is not just exclusive to finances; a donation of time can make a lasting impact. Our volunteers give their time and it has been the backbone of this ministry. We rely on them to help us live out our Rescue Mission of helping struggling families within this community.
One of our "Call Me When" volunteers said "yes" to our request to help a single mother. The mother felt unsafe in her neighborhood after her fiancé was murdered this year, so she decided to move. Our volunteer, who grew up in a struggling single parent home himself, felt compelled to help this mom in need. However, he also saw this as an opportunity to impact in his own family, by having his two boys come along.
With the help of another volunteer, he loaded up his truck and trailer (and his kids) and helped our single mom & her kids move. As followers of Jesus, when we let our light shine (Matthew 5:16) into the community, the love of Jesus is evident to everyone that comes in contact with us!